Book Recommendations.

I am an avid reader and I love diving into a book, both fiction and non-fiction. Books have a way of expanding our minds, our worlds and opening us up to new ideas. Below are 10 books that have been instrumental in my journey and have changed the way I think and act. They are in no particular order and I share why each book has had an impact on me. There are so many great books that I have read and could easily list another ten or twenty that could be part of this list as well. Though I have a tendency to get carried away. So, let’s just start here for now!
Momentum Makers
If you are brand new to network marketing, this is an amazing book to help you build belief in this profession and give you tips and ideas to get started. If you have been in the profession for a while, the stories in this book will inspire you and give you ideas on how to take your business to the next level.

The Power of Human Connection – How Relationship Marketing is Transforming the Way People Succeed by Kody Bateman
When we see the words Relationship Marketing, most of us in sales and business, will focus on the word “ Marketing” as we have been taught to always be selling and always be marketing. Kody challenges us to look at this term differently by spending 80% of our time on the relationship and 20% on marketing. This was a big shift for me in business. I have always known the value and importance of my relationships though I was also trained in sales and to sell, sell, sell. This book changed my thinking about building relationships and spending 80% of my time and money on the building the relationship instead of how can I sell more or market more as no one I’ve ever met really wants to be sold to.
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz
This book was life changing for me when I read it the first time and I’ve referred to it many times since. Before reading this book, I thought doing your best meant being the best. This belief of having to be the best took away my joy, made me super competitive with others and created a lot of jealousy in my life. As I read through the Four Agreements, I realized there was a different and better way to live life that was more fulfilling and more joyful.

Right Away & All at Once – Five Step to Transform Your Business and Enrich Your Life by Greg Brenneman
My girlfriend Susan shared this book with me, and I am so glad she did. It’s a business book though there is such great personal information in this book as well. I have never been a believer in carrying debt. Step 2 on the personal side of the book is “Choose Freedom” and freedom is one of my favorite words. Freedom is a word that has always resonated with me and has driven so many decisions in my life and in my career. Reading and understanding this chapter alone is worth far more than the price of the book. It’s one of the best books that I’ve ever read on why it’s so important to create financial freedom and what financial freedom really means.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
I have read this book several times and each time I do, I gain more knowledge from it. The first time I read it, I struggled with the language as the book was originally published in 1937 and the words used are different than words we use today. It is so worth pushing through the language and allowing your mind to learn the teachings in this book. My all-time favorite quote comes from this book – “Desire backed by Faith knows no such word as Impossible.” In every big goal, I’ve gone after in my life, this quote has been my mantra and the ideas in this book have helped me understand the power of my mind and how desire, faith and decision are critical in going after your dreams.

Eat Pray Love – One Woman’s Search for Everything across Italy, India and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert
I first read this book in my early 30’s. I was living my life and making decisions that I thought you were supposed to make as a married woman in her early 30’s. This book opened my eyes, my heart, and my head. I didn’t have to follow the status quo and what was expected of me. Instead it was okay to follow my own heart and my own desires. It was as if this book was giving me the permission, I needed to start the journey of finding my freedom. This book continues to be a huge source of inspiration for me.
Promptings – Your Inner Guide to Making a Difference by Kody Bateman
I always knew I had an inner voice though I wouldn’t always listen to it or I would second guess it. After learning what a prompting truly is and how to implement in my life, I started listening to my inner voice more. I first learned about this concept of Promptings in 2010. As I have allowed myself to learn and act on my promptings my life has become easier. Not in the way that I don’t have hardships or challenges, though instead in a way that when I act on and follow my promptings, my life flows. Learning to listen to my promptings and acting on them has allowed me to step into who I really am.

Daring Greatly – How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead by Brené Brown
I was at a very low spot in my life filled with deep regret and a lot of shame when I was first introduced to Brené Brown and her teachings. I saw her TEDxHouston talk and was blown away by her message and her own vulnerability. This was the first of her books that I read, and it made me look at shame and vulnerability in a whole new light. Without her teachings and wisdom, I would never have dared to share my soul, my mishaps, and areas where I have fallen down and missed the mark. Without learning how to be vulnerable, the Finding Joy in the Journey series would have never started.
Beach Money – Creating your Dream Life Through Network Marketing by Jordan Adler
I read this book, the first time, a few years into my network marketing career and it opened up my mind to the possibilities of what a network marketing business could do in my life and what it would take to build a business. Jordan’s story is simple and powerful. Chapter 6 – The Numbers Don’t Lie is still my favorite chapter and one I refer others to as a way to better understand this profession and what you need to do.

Winning Every Day – The Game Plan for Success by Lou Holtz
If you have ever heard of me talk about my Top 100 list, this is the book and the man that inspired me to start the list and write down the 100 things I wanted to accomplish in my life. The Top 100 list has been a game changer in my life. It has allowed me to dream bigger and do things that I thought were impossible. I had the pleasure of hearing Coach Holtz on and off the field during my time at Notre Dame as I was a student manager for the Notre Dame football team while Mr. Holtz was the head coach.