College Football And Halloween-Day 1,457 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,457 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Saturday – 10/30/2021

College Football And Halloween

We are definitely ready for a weekend of college football and Halloween.  Looking forward to hanging out with our friends!  Let the fun begin.

#LovePeopleLoveLife #IInspireFreedom

We are definitely ready for a weekend of college football and Halloween. 

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.

Work Work Work PLAY-Day 1,456 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,456 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Friday- 10/29/2021

Work Work Work PLAY

Starting the weekend off right.  Work, work, work, PLAY!  I’ve always been a believer of work hard, play hard and then relax!  Life is meant to be enjoyed which for me is a combination of working, playing and taking time for me.

#LovePeopleLoveLife #IInspireFreedom

Work Work Work PLAY

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.

Date Night at Home-Day 1,455 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,455 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Thursday- 10/28/2021

Date Night at Home

Date night at home! Being in a stretch of travel – three trips in four weeks, we decided it would be nice to do date night at home this week. Take out and a Netflix binge. Outside of sports, we watch very little TV, so a binge night was truly a treat for both of us!

#LovePeopleLoveLife #IInspireFreedom

Date Night

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.

Bracelet-Day 1,454 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,454 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Wednesday – 10/27/2021

I Fell in Love With This Bracelet

I fell in love with this bracelet when I found it in a jewelry store in Bali during our 4-month adventure in 2019.   I had to have it and wore it every day until it broke.  It’s been sitting in my drawer for over a year now.  Yesterday, I asked Steve if he could get it fixed for me.  And today, voila!  It’s now back on my wrist and bringing me joy.  Thank you Steve, for all that you do for me!  I love you!

#LovePeopleLoveLife #IInspireFreedom

 I fell in love with this bracelet

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.

Do You Save The Good Dishes-Day 1,453 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,453 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Tuesday – 10/26/2021

Do You Save The Good Dishes

Do you save the good dishes and the special bottle of wine for just the right occasion?

Tonight, Steve and I took out one of the best wines from the wine cooler and toasted my mom.  It was four years ago today, that her heart let out and she passed away.  She was here one moment, full of life, laughing, entertaining others and the next she was gone.  It was so unexpected which is why I believe you can’t wait to use or drink the good stuff until the perfect time. There are times in life when you never know it was the right moment, until after the fact.

Three days before my mom died, she came to my house, and we celebrated my dad’s birthday.  I pulled out a 1998 Joseph Phelps Insignia to celebrate.  My mom told me to save it for a special occasion.  I’m so glad I didn’t listen to her and instead said “this is a special occasion” and opened the bottle of wine.

As I look back, it was a very special evening as it was the last time, I would have wine and dinner with my mom.  I didn’t know it would be our last though I’m glad I listened to the prompting to open the bottle of Insignia instead of her insistence to save it.

So, cheers to you Mumsy!!  I will drink a good bottle of wine on this day in honor of you, the lives you touched and to remember not to wait on a special occasion to use the good stuff, though create your own special occasion, as you never when it will be your last.

#LovePeopleLoveLife #IInspireFreedom

Do you save the good dishes and the special bottle of wine for just the right occasion?

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.

The Fog Settled In-Day 1,452 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,452 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Monday – 10/25/2021

The Fog Settled In

The fog settled in this morning and hadn’t lifted by the time of my daily walk.  I know this path as I walk it several times a week, so I know the steps ahead of me.

Though as we venture down the path of our lives. The fog sometimes settles in, and the path is not always clear.  There comes a fork in the road, and we have a decision to make.

As I took my walk, I reflected on some of my forks in the road and realized when I followed my promptings (aka:  my intuition, my gut), I made the right choices for me.  As I took the fork in my life, the path wasn’t always clear, it was bumpy at times, though it was worth it as it put me in the place I am now.

With life, there will always be forks in the road.  It’s listening to your inner voice (not the voice and opinions of others) that will tell you the direction of your heart.

#LovePeopleLoveLife #IInspireFreedom

The Fog Settled In

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.

And That’s A Wrap-Day 1,451 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,451 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Sunday – 10/24/2021

And That’s A Wrap

And that’s a wrap! Another vacation and new adventure spot for Steve and me in the books.

After not having a true vacation since December of 2019, it was wonderful spending a week on a sailboat in the BVI’s with Steve and our friends.

Outside of a few messages, I really focused on staying off social media and technology while we were on the boat. It was really nice to relax and let go. We went in a day early so by the time I boarded the boat on Sunday, I was ready to unwind. I spent my time enjoying the boat, being present and finished four fiction books before the plane landed back in Houston.

We live in a connected world. Though at times, you must give up being connected to everyone in the world so you can more deeply connect to yourself and those that you are with. This trip was a great way for me to connect with myself, to connect with Steve and truly enjoy our time together.

#LovePeopleLoveLife #IInspireFreedom

And that's a wrap
Another vacation and new adventure spot for Steve and me in the books.

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.

Footprints On My Heart-Day 1,450 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,450 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Saturday – 10/23/2021

Footprints On My Heart

You left footprints on my heart.

As I enjoyed my last full day in the BVI’s, you were on my mind many times today. Today you would have been 76, had you not left us a few years ago. Happy Birthday Daddy! You lived a great life, and your generosity is surely missed. You taught me many lessons in life and business that I use every single day.

You will always be a part of me and though the sun has set on your life here on earth, your legacy lives on. Love you Dad!

You left footprints on my heart.

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.

The Cast of Characters-Day 1,449 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,449 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Friday – 10/22/2021

The Cast of Characters

One of things I love about traveling is the cast of characters you meet on the journey. Steve and I spent a week on the Cuan Law in BVI’s. On our last full day, the guests and the crew all had a BBQ at Spring Bay on Virgin Gorda. Then many of us headed to The Baths.

I find that when you first step on a dive boat you tend to hang out with the people you know, though over the week you begin to get to know everyone on board and new friendships are formed. By the end of the trip, you wish you had another week to spend with your new friends.

I love being able to travel the world and experiencing new things. Though time and time again, it’s the people that I meet on the journey that truly bring joy into my life.

The Cast of Characters

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.

Sailboat Life-Day 1,448 – Finding Joy in the Journey

Day 1,448 – Finding Joy in the Journey – Thursday – 10/21/2021

Sailboat Life

Sailboat Life. It was so nice to get up in the mornings and spend time on the back deck. With my cup of coffee, I would stare out at the beautiful water and spend time in gratitude for this trip and time away. I would also read before the activities of the day began. I loved starting my day this way, smelling the salt air, and basking in the morning sunshine.

Sailboat Life

About “Finding Joy”

And I’m off…. the 16-day adventure begins. The timing of this trip is interesting so I’m naming it “Finding Joy in the Journey.” I’ll be doing one dedicated post each day (at the end of the day or next morning). Since I typically post more than once a day, you’ll find it as a black and white photo. I’ll share the joy of the journey (on the trip or through this season), where I’m finding it and what I’m learning. I hope to inspire myself along the way. And if I can inspire others too, that would be a gift. So let the journey begin…

It was November 2017 and I was ready to head off on a sixteen-day trip.  Nine days before leaving, my mom unexpectedly passed away from a heart attack. It shook me to my core.  I had always been told the 40’s are the best years of your life.  And in a matter of three years, since turning the age of 40, I had gone through a divorce and lost both parents. 

I contemplated canceling the trip though I knew my mom would not be happy with that decision. She would want me to continue living my life.  My parents did not raise me to sit back and watch life; instead to fully participate in every moment. So I promised my parents to find joy in the journey everyday on my sixteen-day trip and share my experience with others. 

Little did I know what “Finding the Joy in the Journey” would turn into when I acted on the prompting to share my experience on a daily basis.  It helped me see life differently and my wish is that it will inspire others find joy in their journey.